
时间:2021-08-03 点击数:










主要研究方向 人体热舒适与热生理学,通风与气流组织,建筑节能与智能化



BetWay·必威半导体股份有限公司经理、二级教授、博导。2000年、2003年于天津大学获得学士与硕士学位。2009年获得丹麦技术大学与新加坡国立大学联合授予博士学位。师从丹麦技术大学Fanger实验室的Arsen Melikov教授和新加坡国立大学的Chandra Sekhar教授。博士后师从于美国加州大学伯克利分校土木与环境工程系杰出教授,知名国际期刊Indoor Air主编William Nazaroff教授。2014年至2018年在瑞典于默奥大学任助理教授、博导。2018年获得瑞典于默奥大学终身教授、博导。现兼任瑞典于默奥大学讲座教授,厦门大学讲座教授(福建省闽江学者讲座教授),天津大学教授、博导,西安建筑科技大学教授、博导,青海民族大学讲座教授(青海省昆仑英才)。


2020年获得全国暖通空调杰出青年。2020年获得陕西省致公党先进个人。2019年获得华夏建设科学技术奖一等奖。2017 年获得国家重大人才计划“青年项目”资助。2015年获得欧盟暖通空调学会青年科学家奖,是迄今为止唯一获此奖项的中国人。2014年获得美国供热制冷空调工程师学会拉尔夫-内文斯人居环境与生理学奖。2008以丹麦地区第一名获得国家教育部优秀自费职工奖。2007年获得美国供热制冷空调工程师学会博士生奖。20062007连续两年获得新加坡总统奖等。


主要从事建筑室内环境与节能,暖通空调新技术,建筑智能化等方面的研究。共发表学术论文150篇,大部分被SCI检索。获得专利30余项,其中美国专利5项。是国际杂志Frontiers in Indoor Environment副主编,Indoor and Built Environment, International Journal of Ventilation, Science and Technology for the Built Environment多个知名学术杂志的编委。多次应邀前往世界知名大学及研究机构进行专题演讲,包括美国南加州大学、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学、欧盟暖通空调学会、中国清华大学、哈尔滨工业大学、同济大学等。担任中组部国家重大人才计划外专项目会评专家,教育部长江学者奖励计划函评专家,瑞典国家自然科学基金函评专家,中国国家自然科学基金函评专家等。








智能化深部空间运维和安全控制理论、设备和智能方法, 国家科技部重点研发计划-课题,2019.12-2022.11,参与





Machine learning-based prediction of outdoor thermal comfort: combining Bayesian optimization and the SHAP model, Building and Environment, 2024, 第二、通讯

AI in HVAC fault detection and diagnosis: A systematic review, Energy Review, 2024, 第七

Construction Site Hazard Identification and Worker Adverse Reaction Monitoring Using Electroencephalograms: A Review, Buildings, 2024, 第二、通讯

Shift Work Duration and Heatstroke Risk Among Healthcare Workers During Hot Summer Months: A Modelling Study Across 34 Chinese Cities, Building and Environment, 2023, 第七

Heat stress mitigation with ice cooling vests in PPE-clad medical workers: effects of cooling area and gender differences, Building and Environment, 2023, 第三、通讯

A modified COMFA model for elderly people in outdoor environments, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 第五

Computer vision technology for monitoring indoor and outdoor environments and HVAC equipment: A review, Sensors, 2023, 第一

Maintaining an acceptable indoor air quality of spaces by intentional natural ventilation or intermittent mechanical ventilation with minimum energy use, Applied Energy, 2023, 第四

Thermal responses in temporarily occupied space in the summer: spatial-temporal synergetic alliesthesia using a ceiling fan, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 第二、通讯

Pocket park in urban regeneration of China: Policy and perspective, City and Environment Interactions, 2023, 第一、通讯

Preparation and filtration performance of antibacterial PVDF/SiO2/Ag composite nanofiber membrane, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 第五、通讯

A novel occupant-centric stratum ventilation system using computer vision Occupant detection, thermal comfort, air quality, and energy savings, Building and Environment, 2023, 第一、通讯

AI and IoT applications of smart buildings and smart environment design, construction and maintenance, Building and Environment, 2023, 第三

Thermal and draught perception in fluctuating stratified thermal environments with intermittent impinging jet ventilation, Building and Environment, 2023, 第三、通讯

Performance evaluation of ductless personalized ventilation combined with impinging jet ventilation, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 第一、通讯

Contactless sleep posture measurements for demand-controlled sleep thermal comfort: A pilot study, Indoor Air, 2022, 第三、通讯

Assessment of thermal comfort and air quality of room conditions by impinging jet ventilation integrated with ductless personalized ventilation, Sustainability, 2022, 第一、通讯

Review on the application of machine vision in defrosting and decondensation on the surface of heat exchanger, Sustainability, 2022, 第一、通讯

Thermal comfort and energy savings of personal comfort systems in low temperature office: A field study, Energy and Buildings, 2022, 第一、通讯

Digital Twins for Intelligent Green Buildings. Buildings, 2022, 第一、通讯

Comparison of models for predicting winter individual thermal comfort based on machine learning algorithms. Building and Environment, 2022, 第一、通讯

Edge intelligence based digital twins for internet of autonomous unmanned vehicles, Software: Practice and Experience, 2022, 第一、通讯

Performance optimization of a sidewall radiant heating system integrated with diffuse ceiling ventilation, Building and Environment, 2022, 第一、通讯

Effects of thermal and acoustic environments on workers' psychological and physiological stress in deep underground spaces, Building and Environment, 2022, 第一、通讯

A review of ventilation and environmental control of underground spaces. Energies, 2022, 第一、通讯

The synergy effect of temporal and spatial alliesthesia on occupants thermal comfort in air-conditioned temporarily occupied spaces (TOS), Building and Environment, 2022, 第二、通讯

On the use of wearable face and neck cooling fans to improve occupant thermal comfort in warm indoor environments, Energies, 2021, 第一

Infection probability under different air distribution patterns, Building and Environment, 2021, 第二、通讯

Draught sensation assessment in an occupied space heated by stratified ventilation system: Attachment ventilation with relayed fans, Building and Environment, 2021, 第二、通讯

Enhanced effects of footwarmer by wearing sandals in winter office: A Swedish case study, Indoor and Built Environment, 2021, 第一、通讯

A novel convection and radiation combined terminal device: its impact on occupant thermal comfort and cognitive performance in winter indoor environments, Energy and Buildings, 2021, 第二、通讯

Influence of relayed fans and low level exhausts on performance of attachment ventilation under heating mode. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 第一、通讯

A review of intensified conditioning of personal micro-environments: Moving closer to the human body, Energy and Built Environment, 2021, 第一

Non-invasive (non-contact) measurements of human thermal physiology signals and thermal comfort/discomfort poses-A review, Energy and Buildings, 2020, 第一、通讯

Soft-mobility in a winter-dominant city: A case study by comparing Nordic and non-Nordic residents in Umeå, Cities, 2020, 第一、通讯

A review of advanced air distribution methods-theory, practice, limitations and solutions, Energy and Buildings, 2019, 第一、通讯

Real-time and contactless measurements of thermal discomfort based on human poses for energy efficient control of buildings, Building and Environment, 2019, 第一

NIDL: A pilot study of contactless measurement of skin temperature for intelligent building, Energy and Buildings, 2019, 第二、通讯

A contactless measuring method of skin temperature based on the skin sensitivity index and deep learning. Applied Sciences, 2019, 第二、通讯

Experimental evaluation of an intermittent air supply system: Occupant perception of air movements and air quality, Indoor and Built Environment, 2019, 第二、通讯

Supplementary opinions on alternative cooling technologies in hot climate, International Journal of Biometeorology, 2018, 第一、通讯

Thermal comfort in primary school classrooms under subarctic climate area of Sweden, Building and Environment, 2018, 第一、通讯

A variational approach to atmospheric visibility estimation in the weather of fog and haze, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, 第二、通讯

Cooling load calculation methods for stratified air distribution system: a brief review and numerical investigation. Energy and Buildings, 2018, 第二、通讯






Personal comfort systems for improving indoor thermal comfort and air quality英文专著2023,第二




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